Has the Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bill Been Hijacked?

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Hawaii Senate Bill 1458 began as an effort to allow for the operation of medical marijuana dispensaries across the islands. On April 26, during a joint committee hearing, Senator Josh Green offered a draft of the bill that introduced new restrictions on medical qualifying conditions that would deny medical marijuana to patients suffering from debilitating [...]

The Cannabis Hour of Power with Roger Christie

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Episode 1: The Cannabis Hour of Power with Roger Christie. Roger talks with Brian Murphy of Patients Without Time. July 12, 2005. Click to listen Episode 2: In this episode Roger Christie speaks with Paul von Hartman. August, 2005. Click to listen Episode 3: Cannabis Hour of Power with Roger Christie: Torah, Farrah, Constitution and [...]

1st Cannabis Convention - USB Chris Bennett

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Christie Denied Bail by Four Federal Courts

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U.S. District Judge David Ezra appeared unimpressed by the letters from Greenwell, Naeole-Beason and others. “They’re from people who like him and believe in him,” he said Friday.

Press Release: Please Help Roger Christie

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There is a great injustice taking place in Hawai`i that threatens all of our cherished l iberties . We are writing to you because you signed up at the thc-ministry.org website, and in some way Rev. Roger Christie touched your life. Rev. Roger Christie, the founder and leader of the Hawai`i Cannabis THC Ministry, has for many years operated [...]

Marc Emery Prosecutor Calls for End of Marijuana Prohibition

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Just days before sentencing in the US Federal Court case against Canadian Marc Emery on charges of Marijuana Trafficking, the former lead US prosecutor in the case has called for the end of Marijuana prohibition. In an opinion column published in the Seattle Times on September 3, 2010, former US Attorney John McKay said the “public [...]

Cannabis Charity Plans New March for Roger Christie

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HILO - A new Rally and March in support of Rev. Roger Christie has been planned for Wednesday, September 22, 2010 in Hilo. Christie was arrested by federal agents on July 8, 2010, along with 13 members of his congregation. All of the “Green 13″ — as they are known locally — have been released on [...]

Cannabinoids: The Marijuana Miracle Medicine

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With protections for VA medical marijuana patients now secured by VHA DIRECTIVE 2010-035, some are wondering why the DEA continues to treat marijuana as a Schedule I drug. And what — if any — is the significance of the Directive in light of last year’s federal policy announcement ending raids on Cannabis clinics in those 14 states that allow doctors [...]

Did the Veterans Administration Unseat Marijuana From Schedule I?

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On July 22, 2010 the Department of Veterans Affairs issued VHA DIRECTIVE 2010-035,, specifically allowing VA patients the right to use Medical Marijuana without fear of federal interference. “Fourteen states have enacted laws authorizing the use of medical marijuana,” the Directive observes. “Medical conditions associated with the use of medical marijuana include, but are not [...]

Hawaii State Resumes Marijuana Eradication on Big Island

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With a primary election just weeks away, the Hawai`i state Narcotics Enforcement Division has restarted its Marijuana Eradication program over the Big Island. According to a report Wednesday in the Hawaii Tribune Herald, Hawaii Narco chief Keith Kamita said the state Narcotics Enforcement Division had restarted helicopter missions on Sunday. The Tribune-Herald reported “numerous calls from [...]

Light Sentences for Pot Growers?

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The Hawaii Tribune-Herald has published a piece, “Pot growers given light sentences“, emphasizing the light-sentencing usually faced by Marijuana growers on the Big Island. “A 50-year-old Ainaloa man was sentenced Wednesday to 30 days in jail for growing marijuana,” the article begins. “Hilo Circuit Judge Greg Nakamura ruled that Edwin Robert Lively can serve his [...]

Big Island March for Jailed Cannabis Activist

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HILO, HAWAII – A protest rally was held on Wednesday August 18, 2010, in downtown Hilo for Cannabis activist Roger Christie, now being held without bail at the Honolulu Federal Detention Center. Several hundred protesters gathered at the Hilo bayfront to hear citizens speaking out on behalf of Christie and the other 13 members of [...]

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