Thousands of Marijuana Marchers Converge on Honolulu Int’l Airport for Christie!

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A fiction for now! Overcoming decades of disunity and ineffectual action programs, thousands of demonstrators from the Hawaii marijuana community converged on the Honolulu International Airport on Saturday calling for the release of one their spiritual leaders held nearby. For nearly a year, Reverend Roger Christie has been held without bail at the federal jail towering adjacent to the [...]

Should Rev. Roger Christie Make a Deal?


Editor’s note: Rev. Roger Christie of Hilo’s Hawai`i Cannabis Ministry was arrested by federal agents on July 8, 2010. He is being held without bail at a federal detention center in Honolulu. His trial has been scheduled for October 3, 2011. Should Rev. Roger Christie Make a Deal? Or, should he fight all the way to [...]

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