Cannabis Agriculture vs. “Global Broiling” : An Inconvenient Solution

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If we don’t address conditions of increasing UV-B radiation, then it won’t matter at all what problems we do solve. Reverend Chrisite’s exoneration and his immediate release from prison, is an epic legal opportunity for immediately ending Cannabis prohibition, by urgent global necessity. “How bad do things have to get, before all solutions are considered?” Because of what is at stake, Reverend Christie’s is truly “The Trial for the Century.”

“The Trial for the Century”

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“Trial of the century” is an idiomatic phrase used to describe certain well-known court cases, especially of the 20th century. It is often used popularly as a rhetorical device to attach importance to a trial and as such is not an objective observation but is the opinion of whoever uses it.” “It’s a way of [...]

‎”He ain’t guilty, he’s my brother…”

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Please help. It’s your First Amendment too…Roger Christie is a sincere, respectful and qualified minister, helping to find contemporary balance for the world’s oldest global culture. Is THAT why he’s been imprisoned-without-trial since JULY, denied bail FIVE times and had his trial postponed until APRIL? Jury nullification may be the last line of defense for [...]

Call for the immediate release of Roger Christie

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People of Hawaii share the obligation of American citizenship in implementing the immediate release of Reverend Roger Christie. A gentleman of peace and scholarship, is imprisoned without trial or bail since last July until next April. Every resident of and visitor to Hawaii, who values due process of law, the U.S. Constitution and our freedom [...]

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