Letter from the Oklevueha Native American Church



Again thank you for setting a loving foundation for my son to reside in.

The two major purposes for offering cards 1) to have a platform for generating revenue to support responsible growth for Oklevueha NAC (Representative of the Worlds Indigenous spiritual practices, Earth Based Healing Religion) and its Branches throughout the world , 2) to develop an international data base of peaceful and responsible world conscious individuals for political influences of World Governments and the United Nations.

I named the 1st Card ‘Authorized Participant Card’ to avoid any problem for people wanting to receive and partake of Native American Church Sacraments in a safe manner avoiding any adverse actions from a church that they may belong to that has an ‘only’ membership policy. The contribution, presently, for this card is $500.00 ($300.00 is presently designed to stay with Oklevueha NAC and $200.00 is to stay with the ‘Assigned’; Sacrament - Cannabis, Peyote, San Pedro and etc, Physical Healing; Sweat Lodge, Message and etc., and etc., Sponsoring Oklevueha NAC Branch).

The Medicine Persons Cards are to provide protection for Medicine; Women and Men to transport large amounts of Sacraments, to diagnose and per scribe Sacraments and to possess bird of prey feathers. The contribution for receiving this card is $1000.00 ($500.00 is presently designed to stay with Oklevueha NAC and $500.00 is to stay with the ‘Assigned’; Sacrament - Cannabis, Peyote, San Pedro and etc, Physical Healing; Sweat Lodge, Message and etc., and etc., Sponsoring Oklevueha NAC Branch).

The reasons for offering Oklevueha Native American Church Branches are 1) to provide protection for Church (Home) properties to worship, grow, harvest and distribute sacraments (anything that is produced and nurtured by Mother Earth and Father Sky in their natural form) as the heart dictates to the individual church, 2) to provide protection for Church (Growing Harvesting and/or Distributing Centers) properties to worship, grow, harvest and / or distribute sacraments (anything that is produced and nurtured by Mother Earth and Father Sky in their natural form).
The one time Contribution for a NAC Church (Home) is $2,000.00 ($1,000 is presently designed to stay with Oklevueha NAC and $1,000.00 is to stay with the ‘Assigned’; Sacrament - Cannabis, Peyote, San Pedro and etc, Physical Healing; Sweat Lodge, Message and etc., and etc., Sponsoring Oklevueha NAC Branch).
The one time Contribution for a NAC Church (Growing, Harvesting and/or Distribution Center) is $10,000.00 ($5,000 is designed to stay with Oklevueha NAC and $5,000.00 is to stay with the ‘Assigned’; Sacrament - Cannabis, Peyote, San Pedro and etc, Physical Healing; Sweat Lodge, Message and etc., and etc., Sponsoring Oklevueha NAC Branch).

As you know Roger according to the U.S. Attorney’s memo to the DEA (1987)http://www.nativeamericanchurch.net/Native_American_Church/Legal_files/DEA%20Memo%20RE-NAC,%201981.pdf page 24 “Our research has identified no religious organizations, other than the NAC, which would qualify for the exemption under these or similar procedural and substantive requirements. It seems unlikely, therefore, that in practice the peyote exemption need be expanded beyond an exemption for the NAC.”

As resent higher court rulings it seems, unless you have a billion dollars supporting your effort (State of Arizona v. Hardesty and UDV v. United States) the courts are closed to providing this unique qualification to any other organization than the Native American Church. And with this next years permanent federal injunction established, that protects Oklevueha Native American Church we have been provided a very exclusive position to spread a protected environment for citizens of the world to worship in.

We are in the ‘very’ beginning stages of developing the Oklevueha Native American Church Mother Web-Site where-upon there will be a space provided for all Oklevueha NAC Branches to be unified in one global effort to magnify respect and honor among people.

Looking forward to an open dialogue with you and others on these issues that have been outlined here, my phone number is inclosed.



A Seminole Medicine Man
Phone Number: (435) 680-6261


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