April 28. 2011
Correcting the record
As longtime readers of your newspaper we appreciate your policy of correcting errors. Last week your article about Roger Christie contained some misinformation and a prejudicial photo. For instance, all citizens are supposed to be thought of as ‘innocent until proven guilty’ and you printed his police ‘mug shot’ in the article. ‘Mug shots’ imply guilt in the public’s mind and we would appreciate if you published another more neutral photo of Roger from your file as you would like to be treated.
At the three rallies for Roger’s freedom, those in attendance wanted to know WHICH community the Judges referred to that Roger was such a ‘danger’ to. Hawaii County voted for the Lowest law Enforcement Priority of Cannabis Ordinance in 2008, making it clear that Cannabis is to be a lower priority here than everything else. Whenever we walked hand in hand around town, I observed the smiles, contentment and hope he brought to those we passed.
The new date for our trial is October 3rd in the courtroom. Roger has a new public Defender, Alexander Silvert and a newly assigned Judge Leslie Kobayashi . We know that the community is interested in what some are calling the ‘trial of the century - the last witch hunt’. Updates are posted on www.the-last-marijuana-trial.com . People can read Roger’s latest letter to the public on HawaiiNewsDaily.com online. Mahalo.
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