A Marijuana Conspiracy

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Roger Christie and the “Green 14” In the U.S., nearly four out of ten murders, six out of ten rapes and nine out of ten burglaries go unsolved. Law enforcement refuses to commit the time or resources necessary to solve these violent crimes. However marijuana cases are different: the government spends billions of tax dollars […]

Who’s Afraid of the Big Island’s Cannabis Minister?

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“God, that’s great! Please show us the blessings in this situation… And hurry! We are safe. We are loved, and all is well…” Roger blesses wedding party the day before the arrest “What a trick this is for a plant, to produce a chemical so mysterious in its effects on human consciousness that the plant […]

Christie Denied Bail by Four Federal Courts

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U.S. District Judge David Ezra appeared unimpressed by the letters from Greenwell, Naeole-Beason and others. “They’re from people who like him and believe in him,” he said Friday.

Press Release: Please Help Roger Christie

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There is a great injustice taking place in Hawai`i that threatens all of our cherished l iberties . We are writing to you because you signed up at the thc-ministry.org website, and in some way Rev. Roger Christie touched your life. Rev. Roger Christie, the founder and leader of the Hawai`i Cannabis THC Ministry, has for many years operated […]

Meet Roger Christie and the Green 14

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On July 9, 2010, Hawai`i Cannabis Ministry founder, Rev. Roger Christie, was arrested (along with 13 other brothers and sisters of the Ministry) by federal agents. The Green 14 were charged with various counts of Marijuana farming and trafficking. The homes of many of the accused have been seized, and slated for police forfeiture. The […]

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